The Saturday after Thanksgiving is dedicated to celebrating local businesses, and dozens of businesses in Livingston County are stepping up to the plate with great deals and special promotions. 

Supporting small businesses is an intentional act — one that the mom and pop shops in your neighborhood desperately need you to make. When you support a local business, you’re supporting your neighbors and community. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, $48 out of $100 spent at a small business stays in the community, compared to just $14 out of $100 at national retailers. Local businesses rely on other local businesses, with neighbors supporting neighbors. Shopping locally requires thought, so this holiday season, be extra thoughtful. Here’s how:


Get vocal on social:

Post pictures and updates of yourself shopping at small businesses you love. Be sure to use the hashtag #ShopSmall. Write positive Yelp reviews for the small businesses you love and support.

Commit to doing one thing for a business each week:

Whether it’s a purchase or a shout-out, supporting small businesses each week will not only give you peace of mind, but will be helping the owners and the economy.

Buy gift cards:

You may not use gift cards right away, but the revenue from these sales is a huge help to the small business at this critical time. And, it’s a promise that you’ll continue to be a customer later.

Tell family or friends about small businesses you love:

Use word of mouth to support your favorite small businesses. Your family members or friends will trust and remember them more if it is shared personally.

Tip generously:

Tips are even more important right now to support small business workers who might have lost hours when in-house services were shut down.

Sign up for business loyalty programs:

Does a business have a loyalty or rewards program? Sign up for it – not only will you be supporting a local business, but you’ll get rewards for it, too.